Monday, March 23 – Thursday, March 24

Multitasking, sort of

No one can ever accuse me of having been lazy on Monday. It was basically a nonstop flurry of activity for over 12 hours. It started out with a surprisingly busy shift at my main job. Surprising because the same work cycle that was quite tolerable last week proved a lot more challenging.  My guess is the different work site is the main factor.

After a too-short break it was off to the Major Home Improvement Retailer for a 4:30 to 8:30 shift. It was much more tolerable than the endless weekend shifts. Four-hour shifts seem way shorter than 8-hour shifts, way shorter than just half the length. And even beyond that I just didn’t mind the shift as much. Clearly, my weekend fears of becoming disillusioned with the.job were exaggerated. After getting out at 8:30 I actually made a fast gym trip, doing Life Fitness plate loaded dips, 5 × 8 × 270.

Tuesday was an easier workday at my main job even though I was at the same work site. In fact, I was done so quickly I had to poke around trying to look busy for over an hour, leaving early not being an option because a big boss was on site.

I had been planning on going to yoga in the evening but we got sushi instead. Hey, I like yoga, but sometimes there is no substitute for sushi!

Published in: on March 25, 2015 at 7:49 pm  Leave a Comment  

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